Praying intentionally as a way to gain patience, oneness, and optimism


Photo by Billy Pasco on Unsplash

In April 2018, I began to pray. I had never really tried that hard to pray before. I had learned to pray before meals and pray before bed. Both of which are important. But the words I was reciting felt empty and meaningless. Inspired by Pastor David Platt and my renewed interest in spirituality, I began praying more intentionally. I tried a different approach.

I started to speak from my heart with meaning. I did not ask for things I want, rather I asked for guidance. And before asking for anything, I submitted myself to gratitude. I said, “Thank you, God. I am so grateful for the blessings you’ve given me. I don’t deserve any of this, and yet you’ve chosen me.” When I pray, I hear an echo in reply. I don’t know from where the echo responds. But the voice guides me when I submit my weakness and ask for help. It gives me answers and hard truths.

God is many things to many people. I changed from asking for things I don’t have, to thankfulness for what I already have. This is because I realized who I was talking to: God. Jordan Peterson put it best in his conversation with Sam Harris. I understand the gravity and magnificence of God in these terms:

God is how we imaginatively and collectively represent the existence of an action of consciousness across time; as the most real aspects of existence manifest themselves across the longest of time-frames but are not necessarily apprehensible as objects in the here and now…

So God is that which eternally dies and is reborn in the pursuit of higher being and truth. That’s a fundamental element of the hero mythology.

God is the highest value in the hierarchy of values; that’s another way of looking at it.

God is what calls and what responds in the eternal call to adventure.

God is the voice of conscience.

God is the source of judgment, mercy, and guilt.

God is the future to which we make sacrifices and something akin to the transcendental repository of reputation.

Here’s a cool one if you’re an evolutionary biologist. God is that which selects among men in the eternal hierarchy of men.

-Jordan Peterson,

Since I’m still early on in my spiritual journey, I am interested in my own relationship with God through prayer. I’m not interested in telling everyone else what to do. In my personal experience, my prayer resulted in newfound patience, self-integration, and optimism.

I became more patient because I stopped asking for things that I wasn’t getting. Instead, I asked for guidance and strength in the face of difficulty. And even then, I knew that the world could crash down on my family and me in an instant. Through it all, I would get what I need, not what I want. This meant that I learned patience. Usually, I demanded results and progress. But I soon discovered that I often don’t know what’s best for me. And I receive what’s best slowly.

I became more self-integrated. As I spoke from my heart, I said whatever came naturally. That is genuinely what we care about – not what we want ourselves to care about. I began to notice the things that bubble up to my thoughts, but I don’t flesh out. Maybe because I’m embarrassed about them. Instead, I give them to God through prayer. And when I put them into words, God accepts them and replies with an answer. In this way, I accept myself as speaking these words, because God accepts me. I could say what I think is the worst thing, but if God responds and accepts me regardless, then I can own this part of me without ignoring or suppressing it. In this way, I can integrate the not-so-good parts of me and control them, instead of suppressing them and risking that they overcome me.

Lastly, I have a newfound optimism. So far, I’ve shared the deepest thoughts of my heart to God, and he still calls me forward. In this way, I know that there’s nothing that I can do that will separate us. Of course, I’ll make mistakes as I search for the best path toward the good life. Calamity will happen and test or break my will. But I can rest assured that I will not be alone through the adventure.

I should pray about the things that I don’t understand because I need help in those areas. If I pray the same way every time, and I ask questions that I know the answer to, I don’t gain anything. By digging deep and intentionally building a relationship to God through prayer, I have more patience, self-integration, and optimism.

Aphorisms from Bali – Part 1


My wife Sahyli and I honeymooned in Bali for 3 weeks this summer after our wedding. We had an incredible experience. We learned a lot about the world. We learned how to fill the hours in each day with life. We learned how to travel together.

Here are some more knowledge bits from the road:

Look straight ahead, because you’re responsible for what’s ahead of you.

Indonesian driving laws give responsibility to drivers for anything that’s ahead of them. If you’re driving and someone else turns out ahead of you and you two crash, you’re at fault. When surfing, you must look straight ahead, or else you’ll lose your balance.

200 meters or 500 meters, no problem, same thing.

Numbers are often estimations. We received walking maps without distances. 10 minutes until a right turn, 20 more minutes until the waterfall… it’s all the same. You’ll get there.

Honk to show your position.

Honking while driving is not rude. It’s useful to alert others of your position. If you don’t honk, you practically don’t exist. This is crazy to American drivers.

Everyone is brother or sir.

The beach is chill, brothah. And anyone can be sir when there’s a chance for business. Vendors and taxis love to flatter foreigners for a sale.

Hustle to get bargains. Check multiple shops.

If you see it and you want to buy it, you can probably find another one down the street. Or next door. Vendors in a certain area sell similar stuff.

Haggle like you can walk away.

Assume the price they offer is at least 3 times what they’ll sell it for, and 5 times what they bought it for. Offer a low price with respect and kindness. Walk away and then you’ll get that price.

Go where the crowds aren’t.

Bali has gone through the Instagram reactor. More tourists are showing up to the popular photo opportunities throughout the islands. Ask the locals for the little-known spots. Instead of driving, try walking from A to B to see a whole lotta C.

Start early.

Crowds gather at destination locations starting at 9:00 am. Book a driver the day before. Get up at 5:00 am and get out by 6:00 am. You get hours of secluded enjoyment by sacrificing a bit of comfort.

Sleep early.

See every sunset you can see. But then after that, get sleep. Maybe a hot stone massage in your room before bed. You’ll value the serenity of the morning light over the mountains more than the bumping and grinding of clubs that you can find anywhere. However, ignore this if you go night diving or sunrise hiking because that stuff is cool.

Befriend your drivers, masseuses, etc.

People are amazing. We met the nicest people by talking and asking about their lives. Local people are much more interesting than tourists.

Say hello.

Do it, even if you’re not buying what they’re selling. Especially the kids. Everyone is so nice and it lifts your spirits. People just want to have a good time.

When in doubt, just ask!

You could find your way, but what better excuse to ask the local people? They know the best ways. Often, those best ways are not coded into Google Maps or Apple Maps just yet. Watch, learn, and ask, and you’ll find some hidden treasures. Hidden beaches, waterfalls, or cuisine.

Get massages. Full body, feet, and reflexology.

If it hurts, it’s working. So worth it.

It’s impossible to clean sand.

Enough said. Separate the sandy clothes from the rest and pray.

Cockroaches aren’t actually deterred by light.

They’ll come out whenever they want. But sleep with the lights on anyway if it makes you feel better. The more you know.

Refill your thermo water bottles.

The tap water is not safe to drink. So, you’ll buy a lot of plastic water bottles. Use every opportunity to refill thermo water bottles with clean water whenever possible. Look out for the environment one sip at a time. Plus, thermo keeps water cooler than plastic.

For every song that exists, there’s a chill, acoustic version that is played in Bali.

The modern island soundtrack includes every song that exists. I mean EVERY song.


Part 2 coming soon. Terima Kasih!